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Notice on the items of examination and approval for stopping the implementation of trial production of construction projects

Source: Unknown 时间:2018-08-15 18:51 Number of readings:
Shaanxi Provincial Department of Environmental Protection
Notice on the items of examination and approval for stopping the implementation of trial production of construction projects
Shaanxi Huanhan (2015) No. 913
Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Yangling Demonstration Zone Environmental Protection Bureau, Xixian New Area Construction Environmental Protection Bureau:
  Recently, The State Council issued the "Decision on the first batch of Cancelling 62 Items of Administrative Examination and Approval items designated by the Central Authorities" (Guofa [2015] 57) and the "Decision on the first batch of clearing and standardizing 89 items of intermediary services for Administrative examination and approval of departments of The State Council" (Guofa [2015] 58).。In order to implement the relevant requirements of The State Council, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
  1. Since the date of the publication of The State Council, environmental protection departments at all levels in our province shall not implement the approval of trial production of construction projects。
  Second, since the date of the publication of The State Council, the environmental protection departments at all levels in our province shall not require the applicant to provide the completion of the construction project environmental protection acceptance monitoring report (form) or investigation report (form), and the approval department shall entrust the relevant agencies to carry out environmental protection acceptance monitoring or investigation。Environmental monitoring institutions at all levels shall not be entrusted by construction units to carry out environmental protection acceptance monitoring or investigation work upon completion of construction projects。
  The municipal environmental protection department shall be responsible for organizing the county-level environmental protection department within the jurisdiction or other administrative departments with corresponding approval functions (park management committee, etc.) to fully implement the requirements of The State Council。
Shaanxi Provincial Department of Environmental Protection
November 2, 2015