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                        中华人民共和国主席 习近平 
目  录 
第一章 总  则
第二章 大气污染防治标准和限期达标规划
第三章 大气污染防治的监督管理
第四章 大气污染防治措施
第一节 燃煤和其他能源污染防治
第二节 工业污染防治
第三节 机动车船等污染防治
第四节 扬尘污染防治
第五节 农业和其他污染防治
第五章 重点区域大气污染联合防治
第六章 重污染天气应对 
第七章 法律责任
第八章 附  则
第一章 总  则
  第一条 为保护和改善环境,防治大气污染,保障公众健康,推进生态文明建设,促进经济社会可持续发展,制定本法。
  第二条 防治大气污染,应当以改善大气环境质量为目标,坚持源头治理,规划先行,转变经济发展方式,优化产业结构和布局,调整能源结构。
  To prevent and control air pollution, we should strengthen comprehensive prevention and control of air pollution from coal burning, industry, motor vehicles and ships, dust and agriculture, promote joint prevention and control of air pollution in different regions, and carry out coordinated control of air pollutants such as particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds and ammonia as well as greenhouse gases。
  第三条 县级以上人民政府应当将大气污染防治工作纳入国民经济和社会发展规划,加大对大气污染防治的财政投入。
  第四条 国务院环境保护主管部门会同国务院有关部门,按照国务院的规定,对省、自治区、直辖市大气环境质量改善目标、大气污染防治重点任务完成情况进行考核。省、自治区、直辖市人民政府制定考核办法,对本行政区域内地方大气环境质量改善目标、大气污染防治重点任务完成情况实施考核。考核结果应当向社会公开。
  第五条 县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门对大气污染防治实施统一监督管理。
  Article 6 The State encourages and supports scientific and technological research for the prevention and control of air pollution, carries out analysis of the sources of air pollution and their changing trends, popularizes advanced and applicable technologies and equipment for the prevention and control of air pollution, promotes the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and gives full play to the supporting role of science and technology in the prevention and control of air pollution。
  第七条 企业事业单位和其他生产经营者应当采取有效措施,防止、减少大气污染,对所造成的损害依法承担责任。
第二章 大气污染防治标准和限期达标规划
  Article 8 The competent department of environmental protection under The State Council or the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate standards for atmospheric environment quality for the purpose of safeguarding public health and protecting the ecological environment, which shall be compatible with economic and social development and shall be scientific and reasonable。
  第九条 国务院环境保护主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府制定大气污染物排放标准,应当以大气环境质量标准和国家经济、技术条件为依据。
  第十条 制定大气环境质量标准、大气污染物排放标准,应当组织专家进行审查和论证,并征求有关部门、行业协会、企业事业单位和公众等方面的意见。
  第十一条 省级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门应当在其网站上公布大气环境质量标准、大气污染物排放标准,供公众免费查阅、下载。
  第十二条 大气环境质量标准、大气污染物排放标准的执行情况应当定期进行评估,根据评估结果对标准适时进行修订。
  第十三条 制定燃煤、石油焦、生物质燃料、涂料等含挥发性有机物的产品、烟花爆竹以及锅炉等产品的质量标准,应当明确大气环境保护要求。
  Article 14 The people's governments of cities that fail to meet the national standards for atmospheric environment quality shall, in a timely manner, work out plans for achieving the standards within the prescribed time limit and take measures to achieve the standards within the prescribed time limit set by The State Council or the people's governments at the provincial level。
  第十五条 城市大气环境质量限期达标规划应当向社会公开。直辖市和设区的市的大气环境质量限期达标规划应当报国务院环境保护主管部门备案。
  Article 16 When reporting annually to the people's congress at the corresponding level or its Standing Committee on the state of the environment and the achievement of the objectives of environmental protection, the people's governments of cities shall report on the implementation of the plan for reaching the targets of atmospheric environmental quality within the prescribed time limit, and shall make the report public。
  第十七条 城市大气环境质量限期达标规划应当根据大气污染防治的要求和经济、技术条件适时进行评估、修订。
第三章 大气污染防治的监督管理
  Article 18 Enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators building projects that have an impact on the atmospheric environment shall conduct environmental impact assessments and make public environmental impact assessment documents in accordance with law;The discharge of pollutants into the atmosphere shall comply with the standards for the discharge of air pollutants and comply with the requirements for controlling the total discharge of major air pollutants。
  Article 19 Enterprises and institutions that discharge industrial waste gas or toxic and harmful atmospheric pollutants listed in the catalogue prescribed in Article 78 of this Law, units that produce and operate coal-fired heat sources for central heating facilities, and other units that exercise discharge permit administration according to law shall obtain discharge permits。排污许可的具体办法和实施步骤由国务院规定。
  第二十条 企业事业单位和其他生产经营者向大气排放污染物的,应当依照法律法规和国务院环境保护主管部门的规定设置大气污染物排放口。
  It is prohibited to discharge air pollutants by means of evasion of supervision, such as illegal discharge, tampering with or falsifying monitoring data, temporary suspension of production for the purpose of evading on-site inspection, opening emergency discharge channels in non-emergency situations, and abnormal operation of air pollution prevention and control facilities。
  第二十一条 国家对重点大气污染物排放实行总量控制。
  The targets for controlling the total discharge of major atmospheric pollutants shall be submitted to The State Council for approval and implementation by the competent environmental protection department under The State Council, in conjunction with the competent economic department under The State Council, after consulting the relevant departments under The State Council and the people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government。
  第二十二条 对超过国家重点大气污染物排放总量控制指标或者未完成国家下达的大气环境质量改善目标的地区,省级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门应当会同有关部门约谈该地区人民政府的主要负责人,并暂停审批该地区新增重点大气污染物排放总量的建设项目环境影响评价文件。约谈情况应当向社会公开。
  第二十三条 国务院环境保护主管部门负责制定大气环境质量和大气污染源的监测和评价规范,组织建设与管理全国大气环境质量和大气污染源监测网,组织开展大气环境质量和大气污染源监测,统一发布全国大气环境质量状况信息。
  The competent environmental protection department of the local people's government at or above the county level shall be responsible for organizing the construction and management of the monitoring network of atmospheric environmental quality and atmospheric pollution sources in its administrative area, carrying out the monitoring of atmospheric environmental quality and atmospheric pollution sources, and uniformly releasing information on the status of atmospheric environmental quality in its administrative area。
  Article 24 Enterprises, public institutions and other producers and business operators shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and monitoring norms, monitor the industrial waste gas they discharge and the toxic and harmful atmospheric pollutants listed in the catalogue provided for in Article 78 of this Law, and keep the original monitoring records。其中,重点排污单位应当安装、使用大气污染物排放自动监测设备,与环境保护主管部门的监控设备联网,保证监测设备正常运行并依法公开排放信息。监测的具体办法和重点排污单位的条件由国务院环境保护主管部门规定。
  第二十五条 重点排污单位应当对自动监测数据的真实性和准确性负责。环境保护主管部门发现重点排污单位的大气污染物排放自动监测设备传输数据异常,应当及时进行调查。
  第二十六条 禁止侵占、损毁或者擅自移动、改变大气环境质量监测设施和大气污染物排放自动监测设备。
  第二十七条 国家对严重污染大气环境的工艺、设备和产品实行淘汰制度。
  第二十八条 国务院环境保护主管部门会同有关部门,建立和完善大气污染损害评估制度。 
  第二十九条 环境保护主管部门及其委托的环境监察机构和其他负有大气环境保护监督管理职责的部门,有权通过现场检查监测、自动监测、遥感监测、远红外摄像等方式,对排放大气污染物的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者进行监督检查。被检查者应当如实反映情况,提供必要的资料。实施检查的部门、机构及其工作人员应当为被检查者保守商业秘密。
  第三十条 企业事业单位和其他生产经营者违反法律法规规定排放大气污染物,造成或者可能造成严重大气污染,或者有关证据可能灭失或者被隐匿的,县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门和其他负有大气环境保护监督管理职责的部门,可以对有关设施、设备、物品采取查封、扣押等行政强制措施。
  第三十一条 环境保护主管部门和其他负有大气环境保护监督管理职责的部门应当公布举报电话、电子邮箱等,方便公众举报。
第四章 大气污染防治措施
第一节 燃煤和其他能源污染防治
  第三十二条 国务院有关部门和地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,调整能源结构,推广清洁能源的生产和使用;优化煤炭使用方式,推广煤炭清洁高效利用,逐步降低煤炭在一次能源消费中的比重,减少煤炭生产、使用、转化过程中的大气污染物排放。
  第三十三条 国家推行煤炭洗选加工,降低煤炭的硫分和灰分,限制高硫分、高灰分煤炭的开采。New coal mines shall simultaneously build supporting facilities for coal washing and cleaning, so that the sulfur content and ash content of coal meet the prescribed standards;A coal mine that has been completed shall complete the construction of auxiliary coal washing facilities within a time limit, except where the coal mined is of low sulfur content or low ash content or does not require washing according to the requirements of coal-fired power plants that have reached the discharge standards。 
  第三十四 条国家采取有利于煤炭清洁高效利用的经济、技术政策和措施,鼓励和支持洁净煤技术的开发和推广。
  第三十五 条国家禁止进口、销售和燃用不符合质量标准的煤炭,鼓励燃用优质煤炭。
  第三十六条 地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,加强民用散煤的管理,禁止销售不符合民用散煤质量标准的煤炭,鼓励居民燃用优质煤炭和洁净型煤,推广节能环保型炉灶。
  第三十七条 石油炼制企业应当按照燃油质量标准生产燃油。 
  第三十八条 城市人民政府可以划定并公布高污染燃料禁燃区,并根据大气环境质量改善要求,逐步扩大高污染燃料禁燃区范围。高污染燃料的目录由国务院环境保护主管部门确定。
  It is forbidden to sell and burn highly polluting fuels in the no-fire zones;It is prohibited to build or expand facilities that fuel highly polluting fuels, and those that have been built shall, within the time limit prescribed by the people's governments of cities, switch to natural gas, shale gas, liquefied stone, oil and gas, electricity or other clean energy。
  第三十九条 城市建设应当统筹规划,在燃煤供热地区,推进热电联产和集中供热。在集中供热管网覆盖地区,禁止新建、扩建分散燃煤供热锅炉;已建成的不能达标排放的燃煤供热锅炉,应当在城市人民政府规定的期限内拆除。
  Article 40 The quality supervision department of the people's government at or above the county level shall, in conjunction with the competent department of environmental protection, supervise and inspect the implementation of environmental protection standards or requirements in the production, import, sale and use of boilers;Those that do not meet environmental protection standards or requirements may not be produced, imported, sold or used。
  第四十一条 燃煤电厂和其他燃煤单位应当采用清洁生产工艺,配套建设除尘、脱硫、脱硝等装置,或者采取技术改造等其他控制大气污染物排放的措施。
  第四十二条 电力调度应当优先安排清洁能源发电上网。
第二节 工业污染防治
  Article 43 Where dust, sulphides and nitrogen oxides are discharged during the production of iron and steel, building materials, non-ferrous metals, petroleum, chemical and other enterprises, clean production processes shall be adopted, installations for dust removal, desulphurization and denitrification shall be built, or other measures for controlling the discharge of atmospheric pollutants shall be adopted, such as technological transformation。
  第四十四条 生产、进口、销售和使用含挥发性有机物的原材料和产品的,其挥发性有机物含量应当符合质量标准或者要求。
  第四十五条 产生含挥发性有机物废气的生产和服务活动,应当在密闭空间或者设备中进行,并按照规定安装、使用污染防治设施;无法密闭的,应当采取措施减少废气排放。
  第四十六条 工业涂装企业应当使用低挥发性有机物含量的涂料,并建立台账,记录生产原料、辅料的使用量、废弃量、去向以及挥发性有机物含量。台账保存期限不得少于三年。
  第四十七条 石油、化工以及其他生产和使用有机溶剂的企业,应当采取措施对管道、设备进行日常维护、维修,减少物料泄漏,对泄漏的物料应当及时收集处理。
  第四十八条 钢铁、建材、有色金属、石油、化工、制药、矿产开采等企业,应当加强精细化管理,采取集中收集处理等措施,严格控制粉尘和气态污染物的排放。
  第四十九条 工业生产、垃圾填埋或者其他活动产生的可燃性气体应当回收利用,不具备回收利用条件的,应当进行污染防治处理。
  可燃性气体回收利用装置不能正常作业的,应当及时修复或者更新。If it is necessary to discharge combustible gas during the period when the recycling device cannot operate normally, the discharged combustible gas shall be fully burned or other measures shall be taken to control the discharge of atmospheric pollutants, and the report shall be made to the local competent department of environmental protection, and repair or update according to the requirements within a time limit。
第三节 机动车船等污染防治
  第五十条 国家倡导低碳、环保出行,根据城市规划合理控制燃油机动车保有量,大力发展城市公共交通,提高公共交通出行比例。
  The state adopts fiscal, taxation, government procurement and other measures to promote the application of energy-saving, environmentally friendly and new energy vehicles and ships, non-road mobile machinery, limit the development of high-fuel consumption, high-emission vehicles and ships, non-road mobile machinery, and reduce the consumption of fossil energy。
  第五十一条 机动车船、非道路移动机械不得超过标准排放大气污染物。
  第五十二条 机动车、非道路移动机械生产企业应当对新生产的机动车和非道路移动机械进行排放检验。经检验合格的,方可出厂销售。检验信息应当向社会公开。
  第五十三条 在用机动车应当按照国家或者地方的有关规定,由机动车排放检验机构定期对其进行排放检验。经检验合格的,方可上道路行驶。未经检验合格的,公安机关交通管理部门不得核发安全技术检验合格标志
  Article 54 Motor vehicle emission inspection institutions shall pass metrology certification according to law, use lawfully certified motor vehicle emission inspection equipment, conduct emission inspection on motor vehicles in accordance with the norms formulated by the competent environmental protection department under The State Council, and network with the competent environmental protection department to realize real-time sharing of inspection data。机动车排放检验机构及其负责人对检验数据的真实性和准确性负责。
  第五十五条 机动车生产、进口企业应当向社会公布其生产、进口机动车车型的排放检验信息、污染控制技术信息和有关维修技术信息。
  Article 56 The competent department of environmental protection shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments of transportation, housing, urban and rural construction, agricultural administration, water administration and other relevant departments, supervise and inspect the discharge of atmospheric pollutants from non-road mobile machinery。
  第五十七条 国家倡导环保驾驶,鼓励燃油机动车驾驶人在不影响道路通行且需停车三分钟以上的情况下熄灭发动机,减少大气污染物的排放。
  第五十八条 国家建立机动车和非道路移动机械环境保护召回制度。
  Where the production or import enterprise learns that the discharge of air pollutants by motor vehicles or non-road mobile machinery exceeds the standard and is defective in design or production or does not meet the prescribed environmental protection durability requirements, it shall recall them;If no recall is made, the quality supervision department under The State Council shall, jointly with the competent environmental protection department under The State Council, order the recall。
  第五十九条 在用重型柴油车、非道路移动机械未安装污染控制装置或者污染控制装置不符合要求,不能达标排放的,应当加装或者更换符合要求的污染控制装置。
  第六十条 在用机动车排放大气污染物超过标准的,应当进行维修;经维修或者采用污染控制技术后,大气污染物排放仍不符合国家在用机动车排放标准的,应当强制报废。其所有人应当将机动车交售给报废机动车回收拆解企业,由报废机动车回收拆解企业按照国家有关规定进行登记、拆解、销毁等处理。
  第六十一条 城市人民政府可以根据大气环境质量状况,划定并公布禁止使用高排放非道路移动机械的区域。
  第六十二条 船舶检验机构对船舶发动机及有关设备进行排放检验。经检验符合国家排放标准的,船舶方可运营。
  第六十三条 内河和江海直达船舶应当使用符合标准的普通柴油。远洋船舶靠港后应当使用符合大气污染物控制要求的船舶用燃油。
  第六十四条 国务院交通运输主管部门可以在沿海海域划定船舶大气污染物排放控制区,进入排放控制区的船舶应当符合船舶相关排放要求。
  Article 65 It is prohibited to produce, import and sell fuel for motor vehicles and ships and non-road mobile machinery that do not meet the standards;Prohibit the sale of regular diesel and other non-motor motor fuels to cars and motorcycles;It is prohibited to sell residual oil and heavy oil to non-road mobile machinery, inland and river-sea direct ships。
  Article 66 The contents of harmful substances in engine oil, reducing agents of nitrogen oxides, fuel and lubricating oil additives and other additives and other indicators of atmospheric environmental protection shall meet the requirements of relevant standards, shall not impair the effect and durability of pollution control devices of motor vehicles and vessels, and shall not increase the discharge of new atmospheric pollutants。
  第六十七条 国家积极推进民用航空器的大气污染防治,鼓励在设计、生产、使用过程中采取有效措施减少大气污染物排放。
第四节 扬尘污染防治
  第六十八条 地方各级人民政府应当加强对建设施工和运输的管理,保持道路清洁,控制料堆和渣土堆放,扩大绿地、水面、湿地和地面铺装面积,防治扬尘污染。
  第六十九条 建设单位应当将防治扬尘污染的费用列入工程造价,并在施工承包合同中明确施工单位扬尘污染防治责任。施工单位应当制定具体的施工扬尘污染防治实施方案。
  第七十条 运输煤炭、垃圾、渣土、砂石、土方、灰浆等散装、流体物料的车辆应当采取密闭或者其他措施防止物料遗撒造成扬尘污染,并按照规定路线行驶。
  第七十一条 市政河道以及河道沿线、公共用地的裸露地面以及其他城镇裸露地面,有关部门应当按照规划组织实施绿化或者透水铺装。 
  Article 72 The storage of coal, coal gangue, coal slag, coal ash, cement, lime, gypsum, sand and other materials that are prone to generating dust shall be sealed;If it cannot be sealed, a tight enclosure not lower than the height of the pile shall be set up, and effective covering measures shall be taken to prevent dust pollution。 
 第五节 农业和其他污染防治
  第七十三条 地方各级人民政府应当推动转变农业生产方式,发展农业循环经济,加大对废弃物综合处理的支持力度,加强对农业生产经营活动排放大气污染物的控制。 
  第七十四条 农业生产经营者应当改进施肥方式,科学合理施用化肥并按照国家有关规定使用农药,减少氨、挥发性有机物等大气污染物的排放。 
  第七十五条 畜禽养殖场、养殖小区应当及时对污水、畜禽粪便和尸体等进行收集、贮存、清运和无害化处理,防止排放恶臭气体。 
  第七十六条 各级人民政府及其农业行政等有关部门应当鼓励和支持采用先进适用技术,对秸秆、落叶等进行肥料化、饲料化、能源化、工业原料化、食用菌基料化等综合利用,加大对秸秆还田、收集一体化农业机械的财政补贴力度。
  The people's government at the county level shall organize the establishment of a service system for straw collection, storage, transportation and comprehensive utilization, and adopt measures such as financial subsidies to support rural collective economic organizations, farmers' specialized cooperative economic organizations, and enterprises in carrying out straw collection, storage, transportation and comprehensive utilization services。 
  第七十七条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当划定区域,禁止露天焚烧秸秆、落叶等产生烟尘污染的物质。 
  Article 78 The competent department of environmental protection under The State Council shall, in conjunction with the administrative department of public health under The State Council, publish a list of toxic and harmful atmospheric pollutants in accordance with the degree of harm and impact of atmospheric pollutants on public health and the ecological environment and implement risk management。 
  Enterprises and institutions discharging toxic and harmful atmospheric pollutants listed in the catalogue specified in the preceding paragraph shall, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State, establish an environmental risk early warning system, conduct regular monitoring of discharge outlets and the surrounding environment, assess environmental risks, investigate potential environmental safety hazards, and take effective measures to prevent environmental risks。 
  第七十九条 向大气排放持久性有机污染物的企业事业单位和其他生产经营者以及废弃物焚烧设施的运营单位,应当按照国家有关规定,采取有利于减少持久性有机污染物排放的技术方法和工艺,配备有效的净化装置,实现达标排放。 
  Article 80 Enterprises, institutions and other producers and business operators that produce malodorous gases in their production and business activities shall scientifically locate their sites, set up reasonable protective distances, install purification devices or take other measures to prevent the discharge of malodorous gases。 
  Article 81 Operators of catering service industries that discharge lampblack shall install lampblack purification facilities and keep them in normal use, or take other lampblack purification measures to ensure that lampblack discharge meets the standards and prevent pollution to the normal living environment of nearby residents。 
  第八十二条 禁止在人口集中地区和其他依法需要特殊保护的区域内焚烧沥青、油毡、橡胶、塑料、皮革、垃圾以及其他产生有毒有害烟尘和恶臭气体的物质。 
  第八十三条 国家鼓励和倡导文明、绿色祭祀。 
  第八十四条 从事服装干洗和机动车维修等服务活动的经营者,应当按照国家有关标准或者要求设置异味和废气处理装置等污染防治设施并保持正常使用,防止影响周边环境。 
  第八十五条 国家鼓励、支持消耗臭氧层物质替代品的生产和使用,逐步减少直至停止消耗臭氧层物质的生产和使用。 
第五章 重点区域大气污染联合防治 
  第八十六条 国家建立重点区域大气污染联防联控机制,统筹协调重点区域内大气污染防治工作。国务院环境保护主管部门根据主体功能区划、区域大气环境质量状况和大气污染传输扩散规律,划定国家大气污染防治重点区域,报国务院批准。 
  The people's governments of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in key areas shall appoint the local people's governments to take the lead, hold joint meetings regularly, and carry out joint prevention and control of air pollution in accordance with the requirements of unified planning, unified standards, unified monitoring and unified prevention and control measures, so as to implement the target responsibilities for the prevention and control of air pollution。国务院环境保护主管部门应当加强指导、督促。 
  第八十七条 国务院环境保护主管部门会同国务院有关部门、国家大气污染防治重点区域内有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,根据重点区域经济社会发展和大气环境承载力,制定重点区域大气污染联合防治行动计划,明确控制目标,优化区域经济布局,统筹交通管理,发展清洁能源,提出重点防治任务和措施,促进重点区域大气环境质量改善。 
  Article 88 The competent department for comprehensive economic affairs under The State Council shall, in conjunction with the competent department for environmental protection under The State Council, further raise the requirements for environmental protection, energy consumption, safety and quality in light of the actual industrial development of the key regions for the prevention and control of air pollution and the quality of the atmospheric environment。 
  第八十九条 编制可能对国家大气污染防治重点区域的大气环境造成严重污染的有关工业园区、开发区、区域产业和发展等规划,应当依法进行环境影响评价。规划编制机关应当与重点区域内有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府或者有关部门会商。 
  第九十条 国家大气污染防治重点区域内新建、改建、扩建用煤项目的,应当实行煤炭的等量或者减量替代。 
  第九十一条 国务院环境保护主管部门应当组织建立国家大气污染防治重点区域的大气环境质量监测、大气污染源监测等相关信息共享机制,利用监测、模拟以及卫星、航测、遥感等新技术分析重点区域内大气污染来源及其变化趋势,并向社会公开。 
  第九十二条 国务院环境保护主管部门和国家大气污染防治重点区域内有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以组织有关部门开展联合执法、跨区域执法、交叉执法。 
第六章 重污染天气应对 
  第九十三条 国家建立重污染天气监测预警体系。 
  The competent department of environmental protection under The State Council shall, in conjunction with the competent meteorological department under The State Council and other relevant departments and the people's governments of relevant provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in key areas for the prevention and control of air pollution, establish a monitoring and early warning mechanism for heavy pollution in key areas and unify the grading standards for early warning。可能发生区域重污染天气的,应当及时向重点区域内有关省、自治区、直辖市人民政府通报。 
  第九十四条 县级以上地方人民政府应当将重污染天气应对纳入突发事件应急管理体系。 
  第九十五条 省、自治区、直辖市、设区的市人民政府环境保护主管部门应当会同气象主管机构建立会商机制,进行大气环境质量预报。可能发生重污染天气的,应当及时向本级人民政府报告。省、自治区、直辖市、设区的市人民政府依据重污染天气预报信息,进行综合研判,确定预警等级并及时发出预警。预警等级根据情况变化及时调整。任何单位和个人不得擅自向社会发布重污染天气预报预警信息。 
  第九十六条 县级以上地方人民政府应当依据重污染天气的预警等级,及时启动应急预案,According to emergency needs, emergency measures may be taken, such as ordering relevant enterprises to suspend production or limit production, restricting the running of some motor vehicles, prohibiting the setting off of fireworks and firecrackers, stopping earth and rock work on site and demolition construction of buildings, stopping outdoor barbecue, stopping outdoor activities organized by kindergartens and schools, and organizing weather modification operations。 
  Article 97 In the event of an environmental emergency causing air pollution, the people's government, its relevant departments and relevant enterprises and institutions shall, in accordance with the provisions of the Emergency Response Law of the People's Republic of China and the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China, do a good job of emergency handling。环境保护主管部门应当及时对突发环境事件产生的大气污染物进行监测,并向社会公布监测信息。 
第七章 法律责任 
  第九十八条 违反本法规定,以拒绝进入现场等方式拒不接受环境保护主管部门及其委托的环境监察机构或者其他负有大气环境保护监督管理职责的部门的监督检查,或者在接受监督检查时弄虚作假的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门或者其他负有大气环境保护监督管理职责的部门责令改正,处二万元以上二十万元以下的罚款;构成违反治安管理行为的,由公安机关依法予以处罚。 
  Article 99 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of this Law, commits any of the following acts shall be ordered by the competent department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the county level to make corrections or restrict production or suspend production for rectification and shall also be fined not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than one million yuan;If the circumstances are serious, it shall be reported to and approved by the people's government with approval power and ordered to suspend business or close down: 
  第一百条 违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门责令改正,处二万元以上二十万元以下的罚款;拒不改正的,责令停产整治: 
  第一百零一条 违反本法规定,生产、进口、销售或者使用国家综合性产业政策目录中禁止的设备和产品,采用国家综合性产业政策目录中禁止的工艺,或者将淘汰的设备和产品转让给他人使用的,由县级以上人民政府经济综合主管部门、出入境检验检疫机构按照职责责令改正,没收违法所得,并处货值金额一倍以上三倍以下的罚款;拒不改正的,报经有批准权的人民政府批准,责令停业、关闭。进口行为构成走私的,由海关依法予以处罚。 
  Article 102 Where a coal mine, in violation of the provisions of this Law, fails to build supporting facilities for coal washing and dressing, the competent department of energy of the people's government at or above the county level shall order it to make corrections and impose a fine of not less than 100,000 yuan but not more than one million yuan;Those who refuse to make corrections shall be reported to and approved by the people's government with the power of approval and ordered to suspend business or close down。 
  Article 103 If a person commits any of the following acts in violation of the provisions of this Law, the departments for quality supervision and industry and commerce administration of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in accordance with their functions and duties, order him to make corrections, confiscate the raw materials, products and illegal gains, and impose a fine of not less than one time but not more than three times the value of the goods: 
  Article 104 Whoever commits any of the following acts in violation of the provisions of this Law shall be ordered by the entry-exit inspection and quarantine institution to make corrections, the raw materials, products and illegal gains shall be confiscated, and a fine of not less than one time but not more than three times the value of the goods shall be imposed;If it constitutes smuggling, the Customs shall punish it according to law: 
  第一百零五条 违反本法规定,单位燃用不符合质量标准的煤炭、石油焦的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门责令改正,处货值金额一倍以上三倍以下的罚款。 
  第一百零六条 违反本法规定,使用不符合标准或者要求的船舶用燃油的,由海事管理机构、渔业主管部门按照职责处一万元以上十万元以下的罚款。 
  第一百零七条 违反本法规定,在禁燃区内新建、扩建燃用高污染燃料的设施,或者未按照规定停止燃用高污染燃料,或者在城市集中供热管网覆盖地区新建、扩建分散燃煤供热锅炉,或者未按照规定拆除已建成的不能达标排放的燃煤供热锅炉的,由县级以上地方人民政府环境保护主管部门没收燃用高污染燃料的设施,组织拆除燃煤供热锅炉,并处二万元以上二十万元以下的罚款。 
  Whoever, in violation of the provisions of this Law, produces, imports, sells or uses boilers that do not meet the prescribed standards or requirements shall be ordered to make corrections by the competent department for quality supervision and environmental protection of the people's government at or above the county level, confiscate the illegal gains and impose a fine of not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan。 
  第一百零八条 违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门责令改正,处二万元以上二十万元以下的罚款;拒不改正的,责令停产整治: 
  (6) The combustible gas generated in industrial production, landfill or other activities is not recovered and utilized, the conditions for recycling are not met, pollution prevention and treatment is not carried out, or the combustible gas recovery and utilization equipment cannot operate normally, and is not repaired or updated in time。
  第一百零九条 违反本法规定,生产超过污染物排放标准的机动车、非道路移动机械的,由省级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门责令改正,没收违法所得,并处货值金额一倍以上三倍以下的罚款,没收销毁无法达到污染物排放标准的机动车、非道路移动机械;拒不改正的,责令停产整治,并由国务院机动车生产主管部门责令停止生产该车型。 
  第一百一十条 违反本法规定,进口、销售超过污染物排放标准的机动车、非道路移动机械的,由县级以上人民政府工商行政管理部门、出入境检验检疫机构按照职责没收违法所得,并处货值金额一倍以上三倍以下的罚款,没收销毁无法达到污染物排放标准的机动车、非道路移动机械;进口行为构成走私的,由海关依法予以处罚。 
  第一百一十一条 违反本法规定,机动车生产、进口企业未按照规定向社会公布其生产、进口机动车车型的排放检验信息或者污染控制技术信息的,由省级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门责令改正,处五万元以上五十万元以下的罚款。 
  Where, in violation of the provisions of this Law, an enterprise producing or importing motor vehicles fails to disclose to the public, in accordance with the provisions, the relevant maintenance technical information of the motor vehicle models produced or imported by it, the competent department of transport of the people's government at or above the provincial level shall order it to make corrections and impose a fine of not less than 50,000 yuan but not more than 500,000 yuan。 
  第一百一十二条 违反本法规定,伪造机动车、非道路移动机械排放检验结果或者出具虚假排放检验报告的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护主管部门没收违法所得,并处十万元以上五十万元以下的罚款;情节严重的,由负责资质认定的部门取消其检验资格。 
  第一百一十三条 违反本法规定,机动车驾驶人驾驶排放检验不合格的机动车上道路行驶的,由公安机关交通管理部门依法予以处罚。
  Article 114 Whoever, in violation of the provisions of this Law, uses non-road mobile machinery with unqualified emissions, or fails to install or replace pollution control devices in heavy diesel vehicles or non-road mobile machinery in accordance with regulations, shall, in accordance with their functions and duties, be ordered to make corrections and be fined 5,000 yuan by the competent departments for environmental protection of the people's governments at or above the county level。
  Article 115 Where, in violation of the provisions of this Law, a construction unit commits any of the following acts, the competent department for housing and urban and rural construction of the people's government at or above the county level shall, in accordance with its functions and duties, order it to make corrections and impose a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan;Those who refuse to make corrections shall be ordered to stop work for rectification: 
  If, in violation of the provisions of this Law, a construction unit fails to cover the exposed ground of the land for construction which cannot be started temporarily, or fails to green, pave or cover the exposed ground of the land for construction which cannot be started for more than three months, the competent departments for housing and urban and rural construction of the people's governments at or above the county level shall punish it in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph。 
  第一百一十六条 违反本法规定,运输煤炭、垃圾、渣土、砂石、土方、灰浆等散装、流体物料的车辆,未采取密闭或者其他措施防止物料遗撒的,由县级以上地方人民政府确定的监督管理部门责令改正,处二千元以上二万元以下的罚款;拒不改正的,车辆不得上道路行驶。 
  Article 117 Any person who, in violation of the provisions of this Law, commits any of the following acts shall, in accordance with his or her duties, be ordered by the competent department for environmental protection of the people's government at or above the county level to make corrections and be imposed on him or her a fine of not less than 10,000 yuan but not more than 100,000 yuan;Those who refuse to make corrections shall be ordered to suspend work or suspend business for rectification: 
  (6) Enterprises and institutions discharging toxic and harmful atmospheric pollutants listed in the list of toxic and harmful atmospheric pollutants, failing to build an environmental risk early warning system in accordance with regulations or to conduct regular monitoring of discharge outlets and the surrounding environment, investigate potential environmental safety hazards and take effective measures to prevent environmental risks; 
  (7) Enterprises, public institutions and other producers and operators of waste incineration facilities that discharge persistent organic pollutants into the atmosphere fail to adopt technical methods and processes conducive to reducing the discharge of persistent organic pollutants in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and are equipped with purification devices; 
  第一百一十八条 违反本法规定,排放油烟的餐饮服务业经营者未安装油烟净化设施、不正常使用油烟净化设施或者未采取其他油烟净化措施,超过排放标准排放油烟的,由县级以上地方人民政府确定的监督管理部门责令改正,处五千元以上五万元以下的罚款;拒不改正的,责令停业整治。 
  Whoever, in violation of the provisions of this Law, barbecues food in the open air or provides a place for barbecued food in a period or area prohibited by the local people's government shall be ordered by the supervisory and administrative department determined by the local people's government at or above the county level to make corrections, confiscate the barbecuing tools and illegal gains, and impose a fine of not less than 500 yuan but not more than 20,000 yuan。 
  第一百一十九条 违反本法规定,在人口集中地区对树木、花草喷洒剧毒、高毒农药,或者露天焚烧秸秆、落叶等产生烟尘污染的物质的,由县级以上地方人民政府确定的监督管理部门责令改正,并可以处五百元以上二千元以下的罚款。 
  第一百二十条 违反本法规定,从事服装干洗和机动车维修等服务活动,未设置异味和废气处理装置等污染防治设施并保持正常使用,影响周边环境的,由县级以上地方人民政府环境保护主管部门责令改正,处二千元以上二万元以下的罚款;拒不改正的,责令停业整治。
  第一百二十一条 违反本法规定,擅自向社会发布重污染天气预报预警信息,构成违反治安管理行为的,由公安机关依法予以处罚。 
  第一百二十二条 违反本法规定,造成大气污染事故的,The competent environmental protection department of the people's government at or above the county level shall impose a fine in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of this Article;The persons in charge who are directly responsible and other persons who are directly responsible may be fined not more than 50% of the income obtained from their enterprises and institutions in the previous year。 
  If an ordinary or major air pollution accident is caused, a fine shall be calculated on the basis of not less than one time but not more than three times the direct losses caused by the pollution accident;If a major or extremely large atmospheric pollution accident is caused, a fine shall be calculated on the basis of not less than three times but not more than five times the direct losses caused by the pollution accident。 
  Article 123 If, in violation of the provisions of this Law, an enterprise, public institution or other producer or business operator commits one of the following acts, is fined and ordered to make corrections, but refuses to make corrections, the administrative organ that has made the decision on punishment according to law may, starting from the next day after the order for correction, impose a continuous penalty in accordance with the original amount of punishment: 
  第一百二十四条 违反本法规定,对举报人以解除、变更劳动合同或者其他方式打击报复的,应当依照有关法律的规定承担责任。 
  第一百二十五条 排放大气污染物造成损害的,应当依法承担侵权责任。 
  Article 126 Where the local people's governments at various levels, the competent environmental protection departments of the people's governments at or above the county level and other departments responsible for the supervision and administration of atmospheric environmental protection and their staff members abuse their power, neglect their duties, engage in malpractices for personal gains or practice fraud, they shall be punished according to law。 
  第一百二十七条 违反本法规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 
 第八章 附  则
  第一百二十八条 海洋工程的大气污染防治,依照《十大网堵平台》的有关规定执行。 
  第一百二十九条 本法自2016年1月1日起施行。